The notion that Thanksgiving is not worth abolishing because it would be inconvenient to do so is evidence of our brainwashing.
In a general way, your cynicism is appreciated, but your thinking on this topic bypasses the notion of good taste and critical thought. Historical revisionism is changing the past to create a new perception of the present. Teaching true history is a vital way of getting an accurate view of the world and a better understanding of one another so a better quality of life can ensue for everyone. Your comment inadvertently aims to perpetuate the marginalization of people who have been marginalized for centuries.
The Americas were founded on the largest scale and longest lasting genocide known to be perpetrated.
The slaughter of 95 million people is generally unknown because the actions of the conquistadors and the settlers are not properly taught in grade school. So what seems preposterous—or silly to you—is actually a result of a massive spread of ignorance, which could be due to a conspiratorial decision to leave numbers and actions out of history books.
To continue to ignore the facts as they come into the general conscience because the festivities of Thanksgiving are entertaining is to condone genocidal action because it didn’t happen to us.
You’re mentioning other holidays that demonstrate the surreptitiousness of propaganda is worth looking into, but saying that we shouldn’t give up one because it suggests the task of giving up others is a flimsy, unconvincing thought.